People’s Corner: Ranger Pro Interview with Pamela Litka & Chris McMillen
Orbit Article

People’s Corner: Ranger Pro Interview with Pamela Litka & Chris McMillen

帕梅拉·利特卡(Pamela Litka)
Editor of the Orbit Magazine - Marketing Operations Specialist


内华达州贝利(Benty Nevada)的Ranger Pro无线传感器不仅提供了条件监控解决方案的便利性,还可以通过无线传感器阵列与有线的无线传感器阵列节省真实的资金。如果您认为无线传感器意味着在安全性,兼容性甚至可靠性方面做出妥协,请再考虑一下。随着无线连通性和危险环境围墙的新进展,Ranger Pro无线状况监控传感器证明了无线是明智的选择。Ranger Pro是内华达州贝利的令人兴奋的新产品。继续阅读由帕梅拉·利特卡(Pamela Litka)撰写的内华达传感器高级产品经理克里斯·麦克米伦(Chris McMillen)的最新观点。



好吧,所以告诉我有关Ranger Pro的信息。


好吧,感谢您首先要我。Ranger Pro是内华达州的无线状况监测解决方案。Ranger Pro是一种用于振动的无线传感器,可为我们的最终用户提供一个机会,可以扩展现有或部署其工厂的现有状况监测制度。由于缺乏现场接线,因此,寻求扩展称赞的现有可靠性计划和无线解决方案,以便于其易于部署成本,这使得能够在线关键方面的高线监控更多资产。机器和流程的关键性定义了哪种解决方案最佳部署。无线的灵活性使用户能够更容易扩展受监视的资产。它易于部署,并且使用相对易于使用,并在与我们的System 1软件进行趋势和进一步分析时提供了可靠的条件监视解决方案。


好的,您提到了系统1;Ranger Pro和System 1如何关联和合作?


Certainly, with Ranger Pro, there's the wireless transmitter aspect of it, so it's a sensor, it's monitoring the vibration on a particular machine and transmits the reading wirelessly to a gateway. The gateway in turn interfaces with System 1. Ranger Pro provides both overall and spectrum/waveform data plus temperature. System 1 leverages the overall acceleration or velocity for trending purposes, customers will use that over the long term, look for increasing or decreasing trends and sets of alarms accordingly via System 1. The other piece of information the wireless transducer transmits outside of just a trend or an overall is the waveform/spectrum; and it’s the waveform that provides significantly more value in condition monitoring. The overall value is like a check engine light whereas the waveform is why the check engine light. When it comes to a diagnostician, looking at the waveform/spectrum for why said trend increase helps narrow down root cause and what action to take. Leveraging System 1 analytics on the both overall and spectrum/waveform for root cause like bearing issues, ball pass frequencies, inner/outer race etc.




我作为高级产品经理的角色肯定涵盖了Ranger Pro,但整个Nevada传感器平台……所有传感器。我负责整个产品生命周期或路线图,这是死亡的出生。At birth or a new product, it’s about feasibility and portfolio strategy fit, validating customer wants/needs both external and internal such as features and functions for the entire solution said sensor fits into, what provides value, how will customers leverage said solution etc. From there, product management works cross functionally with technology on a concept together and business case. It's my role as senior product manager to continually pivot or persevere on the solution roadmap as both market, customer, and business needs dictate. What direction does that particular product need to go etc. As a product matures and sunset in on the horizon, what is that transition period and plan for existing customers, etc. So, cradle to grave.


因此,对于Ranger Pro,我们是否有修订控制,如果是,我们对Ranger Pro的修订是什么?


Ranger Pro与所有Berthy产品一样,都具有修订控制,不仅是从技术要求,技术规范和标准角度来看,我们都具有修订控制,因此我们可以跟踪任何增强功能。增强功能可以是新功能或质量改进。所有这些都通过修订控制跟踪。




好的,Ranger Pro在商业上处于第二大修订。修订1仅以总体价值发布。当前发布的版本是修订版2,并添加了前面讨论的波形/频谱支持。对于空气固件更新,每个修订都是一个简单的修订。我们目前正在进行第三次修订,该修订将添加更多2020年中将推出的功能/功能。第三个版本将向后与版本1兼容。这只是现有用户的空气更新,而新用户自动从工厂获得了修订3。Ranger Pro在该生命周期曲线的新兴一侧,是内华达州贝利(Benty Nevada)的令人兴奋的新产品。它甚至还没有达到顶峰,因此多年来的产品生命周期跑道已经很长。




因此,我不必一定要分解发行的1与已发布的2,因为我们再次跟踪它们,这只是一个简单的固件更新,但我当然可以说Ranger Pro产品已受到市场的好评。和我们的最终用户。我早些时候说,2018年发行了任何新产品。正如您之前提到的那样,我们已经超过了10,000辆向最终用户发货,而不仅仅是我们的核心石油和天然气市场,但是我们肯定会看到在不太传统的内华达州市场上的采用量增加。这是贝利(Ben)的绝佳产品,我们的最终用户非常受欢迎。




So, trade shows, I personally am involved in usually about two or three per year specifically targeting wireless showcasing Ranger Pro. However, Bently Nevada is at many trade shows and events globally supported by our sales and services teams, typically something going on monthly. I greatly enjoy visiting regions and customers but it's really our sales and service arms that do the heavy lifting. I will typically see customers at least once a quarter to hear firsthand both the good and the bad. While the good is always great to hear, I’m most keen on understanding what are the things that customers would like to see, and it can be quality improvements, new features and functions, etc. We make a lot of assumptions as best we can on how a product will be used and add value. It’s when one observes, without interjecting, an end user uses the product, deploy it etc., that provides invaluable insights to either validate or change product assumptions.


因此,就您的观点而言,显然您对产品有柔软的心...为什么Ranger Pro?


啊,是的,我肯定对Ranger Pro有偏见,这是一种很棒的产品,它是一种卑鄙的产品,但是Ranger Pro,Ranger Pro带给客户的价值是多少?我想说这是几个不同的事情,几个关键支柱,可以指导Ranger Pro路线图的发展。其中之一是围绕可伸缩性。Ranger Pro的产品或功能必须容易扩展。对于版本1和2,Ranger Pro采用了ISA100协议。这是一个开放协议,可以在我们的客户出去部署时灵活性。另一个支柱是易用的。我们希望确保产品使用相当简单,即使在引擎盖下进行了很多操作。我们想使产品用户友好。第三个原则是内华达柱的质量,质量。 We must have a quality and a robust product. The three pillars are key. Value wise a customer has reduced field wiring expenses, simple and easy to deploy, and there is an ergonomics/safety aspect on some assets as well. For example, like a cooling tower fan or a cooling tower bank. Typically, these are vertical, they can be measured just fine with a portable data collector or portal analyzer. But you still typically need to have a human, depending on the application either get on the ladder, it could be an unsafe environment, so Ranger Pro offers an opportunity for measurements and these type of applications a bit safe.


名称是什么,为什么Ranger Pro被选为名称?


为什么Ranger Pro将其视为名字?我们从内华达州的收购中获得了我们现有的产品。2011年,Commtest被内华达州贝利·内华达(Berlys Nevada)收购,用于其出色的便携式产品产品。在收购时,Commtest正在研究概念无线产品的证明。该产品在市场上是少数客户和产品反馈区域的市场。该产品称为游侠。因此,显然已经过去了几年,加上了内华达州卑鄙的投资组合。当需要重新访问无线的时间时,我们想以这个游侠的名字为基础,还有什么更好的方法可以说它比专业人士。因此,Ranger Pro,它变得足够简单。


因此,当客户购买Ranger Pro时,Ranger Pro会带来什么?


The customer has the option for a couple of different things - different configurations of course, depending on what the customer may wish to do, a Ranger Pro comes with or without a provided battery. The battery itself is readily available around the world. And so, customers, if they have a stock room, or if they do want to replace a battery in the future, they can certainly contact us here at Bently Nevada, as our battery is readily available. They can also procure that of their own accord, if they so choose. There's a configuration software, of course on how to determine the limits and all of these features and functions. Customers have the flexibility to turn them on or off or set their own limits as well. That's it. That's a free software on how to configure the system. And then it interfaces with the gateway system. Today's ISA100 gateway systems are from Honeywell and/or Yokogawa.


除了2020年的Ranger Pro的选项第三次选项外,您还没有分享过的未来计划?


Well I'm certainly not going to completely go behind the curtains here. But I'd say the future plans centered around again three things: Scalability, flexibility, and reliability/ease of use .. quality. So new features and functions consideration must hit one or more of these pillars. Different operating environments, different assets, possibly different measurement types. Wireless is continually gaining industrial market acceptance. Bently Nevada must continue to provide leading edge value.


What differentiates Ranger Pro in the market from our competitors?


Ranger Pro提供了几个有关市场差异化的项目。从振动的角度来看,传感器本身的频率范围为5Hz至10kHz,涵盖了广泛的应用类型,同时提供了一些较高的频率诊断能力。危险区域。Ranger Pro A区零额定无线传感器。ISA100认证产品不仅合规。电池寿命长。大多数无线传感器都有电池索赔,当我们说电池寿命至少三年时,我只能在这里代表Ranger Pro,我们站在它的背后。产品生命周期保证。对于我们所有最终用户来说,这肯定很重要,因为内华达州的宾利人将长期支持该产品。无线的技术是一项成倍变化的技术,即使最终用户选择无线技术,他们是否正在选择一项设定技术的供应商,该供应商将在未来三年,五年零20年之久左右? Bently Nevada has been in the vibration world for over 60 years … we're here for the long term.




Ranger Pro像所有Benlys Products一样,较小的Portables除外,还提供三年保修。我们的便携式设备提供5年保修。内华达州的保修毫不费力。


Thank you for your time in sharing current updates on Bently Nevada’s product, Ranger Pro and its offerings to our current customers. One final question, anyone else you’d like to highlight on this product?


Yes, two individuals highlighted is Lam Campbell and Michael Thevahn both in Houston.


Chris McMillen高级生产经理贝克·内华达(Baker Hughes)内华达州贝利·内华达(Baker 新利appHughes)

帕梅拉·利特卡(Pamela Litka)营销运营专家贝克·休斯(Baker Hughes)内华达(Nevada)新利app

Chris McMillen

Chris McMillen





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