





Unease and a sense of mistrust are growing around the consistency of data used to report carbon emissions and quantify the changes made by companies, industries, and countries. As a result, genuine changes for the better may not be acknowledged and emulated, while changes for the worse, which are bound to happen, may be taken for granted or misunderstood. How can a coalition of organizations bent on improving outcomes, such as Google, Baker Hughes, and academic institutes help lay the groundwork for reliable reporting of emissions that enable better decision making, and which are comparable across the economic spectrum?

这种研究合作伙伴关系的计划从2020年撰写的论文中启动了乔迪·李(Jordy Lee),乔迪·李(Jordy Lee)是美国科罗拉多州矿业学院的毕业生,现在是佩恩公共政策研究所的计划经理。在负责还是鲁ck?对矿物供应链的环境和气候评估的批判性审查, Lee examined and compared existing methodologies and examples of reporting from BHP, Freeport McMoRan, and Vale, three mining majors in the copper supply chain. This one metal has properties such as malleability, and electricity and heat conductivity that have embedded it with every industry from communications to renewable energy. Although focused on copper, Lee’s work highlighted “the incomplete and variable nature of environmental and climate reporting within the mining industry”, and organizations reliant on the resources industry to deliver their own products and services took note.

哥伦比亚可持续投资中心Perrine Toledano,哥伦比亚中心的采矿和能源头说,在过去的几年中,她和她的同事们在各种气候活动中一直在与其他玩家见面,并共同认识到“没有足够的研究和证据来表明良好的碳会计的全部内容。There’s no one to say, ‘This is too high level and leaves a lot of room for interpretation by companies.’” This led the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment and the Payne Institute for Public Policy to help form the Coalition on Materials Emissions Transparency – a partnership that enables the sharing of research between institutions as they advance carbon accounting discussions.[1]

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哥伦比亚可持续投资中心采矿和能源负责人Perrine Toledano

同时,迈向贝克·休斯(Baker Hughes)等公司的动力也开始了,意识到其数千个供应商不受报告排放的任何共同标准或方法的约束,这最终可能会使自己的排放报告不准确。新利app贝克·休斯(Baker Hughes)的能源过渡副总裁Allyson Book说:“‘关于气候反馈循环的研究越来越多。”新利app‘’’和能源组织必须准备花费尽可能多的智能和专门的研究,以量化其嵌入其价值链中的温室气体,以便他们可以采用减少或捕获并永久隔离它们的方法。’’’’’’[2]

在学术界,会议和董事会中,即使投资者大声疾呼披露,在学术界和董事会中同时又引发了有关脱碳化准确报告的挑战。新利18luck对于贝克·休斯(Baker Hughes新利app)而言,重要的是要了解其供应链中的材料和矿物质排放,以继续确保透明的报告并使自己的净净净值途径。

在Google,它已经从能源消耗的碳排放方面获得了零净值,Krisha Tracy,供应链和物流的可持续性和风险管理解决方案经理说,技术巨头报道挑战的排放量之一是范围3,类似于“贝克·休斯(Baker Hughes)面临的同样挑战”。新利appTracy说,Google使用铜“在我们的数据中心,芯片,Chromebook笔记本电脑,巢设备,像素手机等”中使用铜。但是,铜矿和金属加工设施提供的排放和其他环境指标彼此差异很大,这使得铜范围3的置信度较低。

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Google供应链与物流的可持续性和风险管理解决方案经理Krisha Tracy,Google

“我们与贝克休斯团队进行了交谈,涵盖了生命周期评估指标的挑战 -新利app 与进入供应链的材料相关的温室气体排放量很大,以至于所有行业的公司几乎没有信心报告的指标。”特雷西说。


贝克·休斯(Baker Hughes新利app)和Google的供应链的复杂性使它们成为学术界的丰富信息来源。专门针对客观性的学术界是调查的理想总监,在这种情况下,是数据质量和相关性的科学过滤器。李的初步论文确定了佩恩学院和科罗拉多州矿业学院是一种自然选择,以帮助两家公司清理并澄清其金属和矿产数据。哥伦比亚可持续投资中心为该集团的调查带来了法律,经济和可投资性过滤器。

与尽可能多的不同行业的真实示例和观点合作将从这项可能的世界优先研究中产生更好的信息。摩根·巴西利安(Morgan Bazilian)Payne Institute for Public Policy以及科罗拉多州矿业学校的公共政策教授。他希望,石油和天然气专业和金融组织以及具有不同挑战和动机的金融组织也将加入调查“要素和成果”的联盟。

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摩根·巴西利安(Morgan Bazilian)Payne Institute for Public Policy and Professor of Public Policy at the Colorado School of Mines



关键行业,合作伙伴和材料的供应链映射将确定铜的提取和加工中的排放密集型步骤。特雷西说,特定于资源的重点很重要:“我们需要掌握需要测量的东西,以及什么是铜矿的现实测量和标准,而不是镍矿,而是铜矿 - 因为排放和ESG与提取和加工铜相关的指标与与镍,锂等相关的指标有很大不同。”

Mapping the data wilderness

As part of supply chain mapping, the study will also identify and seek to formalize what steps need to be recorded and published to provide the best possible comparison between companies, suppliers, and materials.



托莱达诺说,直接与贝克·休斯(Baker Hughes)和谷歌(Goog新利apple)这样的合作伙伴合作,“给了我们现实检查”。她解释说:“我们需要行业合作伙伴才能了解工业过程,组织在脱碳时面临的挑战,甚至是宣布排放的可行性。接近现实也将确保我们开发能够吸引行业的方法。”


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Achieving clarity, consistency, and comparability of emissions data from mining resources will generate insights and benchmarks for all industries and for further investigation.


这项研究的重点是细节和精确度 - 在报告金属和矿物质的供应链排放中确定裂缝,裂缝和沟渠。它的目的是为认真减少碳足迹并实现其环境,可持续性和治理(ESG)目标的公司提供竞争环境。


Payne Institute research ultimately seeks to inform energy and environmental policy, which can accelerate or discourage the behaviors of business and the aspirations of society. Says Bazilian, “The more explicit we can be about the challenges — in this case about data paucity and methodological inconsistency — as well as the tensions that exist for companies between environment and economics and finance and market share, the better.”

将排放数据放在显微镜下是否可能产生有争议的发现?巴西利亚语说,该研究的前提具有有争议的要素,因为“我们已经把这个空间放在那里,对于想报告所有排放的企业而言,这个空间令人困惑。”它还开辟了以下事实,即非标准化的数据已被广泛应用,并且“世界上最常用的碳会计协议 - 温室气体协议 - 其中有很多孔。”



  • [1]The Coalition on Materials Emissions Transparency (COMET) is a collaboration between the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment (CCSI), RMI (formerly known as Rocky Mountain Institute), and the Payne Institute for Public Policy at the Colorado School of Mines. Its objective is to advance accurate and transparent carbon accounting through a harmonized set of principles, standards, and reporting requirements. This harmonization would allow for independent verification of the emissions reported by different industries and supply chains, and would work to benefit all environmental stakeholders, including buyers, sellers, investors, and governments. COMET was launched at the World Economic Forum Summit in January 2020 and has dedicated initial research to understanding how to best harmonize current carbon accounting efforts.
  • [2]范围3的范围是与上游产品和服务提供商到贝克·休斯(Baker Hughes)和贝克·休斯(Baker Hughes)产品和服务期间产生的下游排放的排放相关的,这是最大的风险,它们可能代表新利app了任何公司排放中最大的部分。但是报告范围1的报告(公司拥有或控制的范围2的直接排放)和范围2(从报告公司购买的电力,蒸汽,供暖和冷却产生的间接排放)也很少与其他其他排放使用不同方法或可变质量数据的公司。
