
LWD成像services from Baker Hughes capture images of your borehole from different tools at different resolutions delivering critical information on the condition of your wellbore and the geology of the surrounding formation. Armed with this information, you can avoid a range of costly borehole issues—from stuck pipe to lost circulation to poor well performance—and develop an optimized completion strategy.

我们的技术捕获了来自不同方位角工具的图像,例如Startrak™高分辨率电气成像服务,Imagetrak™超声成像服务,Lithotrak™高级LWD孔隙率和密度服务,ONTRAK™Integrated Mousepation Mountegated Mouseation Mounterated Mouseal钻探和钻井服务时,Azitrak™Deep Azimuthal电阻性测量服务,Zonetrak™g近距离伽玛射线服务。这些图像可以详细研究您的组裂缝网络,井眼稳定性和岩石地球力学。


  • 在所有钻井条件下捕获图像。Acquire high-resolution images in water- and oil-based mud systems, all while drilling.
  • 在不损害速度的情况下获得完整的井眼覆盖范围。捕获高质量的图像,并以高穿透速率确保井眼的360度覆盖范围。
  • 优化您的完成设计。通过钻孔高分辨率成像服务(例如Startrak和Imagetrak Services)改善完成设计和穿孔策略。使用我们的声学成像服务清楚地识别岩性,床上用品和层压以及自然和诱导的裂缝的变化,所有这些都为液压压裂计划提供了信息,以最大程度地提高产量。

Together, let’s discover how our high-resolution imaging services can help you sharpen your view of the subsurface in any drilling application.


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