Interactive Control Podcast

Interactive Control Podcast

If you work with controls as an Operator, Engineer, Maintenance Person, or Plant Manager, this podcast is for you. Our focus is on answering real questions and solving real problems with real controls experts. We will cover topics such as unit startup issues, alarm rationalization, loop tuning, instrumentation calibration, various system overviews, component breakdowns, and more.

*Voted one of theTop 20 Instrumentation Podcasts of 2021*


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Nuclear Energy Part 4 – Fusion is Fun!

Summary:This is the final episode of a 4-part series on nuclear energy with my guest Paul Rix. In this episode we discuss Fusion – its history, challenges, and current status. We even get to hear what it sounds like. We end with a summary of the key points from the overall series. You won’t want to miss this exciting conclusion!

Guest Bio:

Paul is a retired specialist in the field of industrial process automation. During his 30+ years in this field he has worked in international management roles for national and international companies covering all aspects of the I&C business. Most recently he specialised in Global Account & Product Management and has held a variety of senior roles involving extensive global travel and long-term postings in the Middle East and Asia.从学术上讲,他分别拥有英国学士学位和硕士学位物理和工程学位,并且既是欧洲注册的专业工程师又是英国特许工程师。

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Nuclear Energy Part 3 – Future of Fission Continued

Summary:这是与我的客人保罗·里克斯(Paul Rix)有关核能的四部分系列的第三集。在这一集中,我们继续讨论未来的裂变技术,包括快速中子反应堆,高温气体,Triso燃料和Thor。本系列的目的是使听众对核能周围的政治,经济,技术和科学方面有充分的了解,以形成有关其如何适应绿色能源和能源过渡的良好观点。

Guest Bio:

Paul is a retired specialist in the field of industrial process automation. During his 30+ years in this field he has worked in international management roles for national and international companies covering all aspects of the I&C business. Most recently he specialised in Global Account & Product Management and has held a variety of senior roles involving extensive global travel and long-term postings in the Middle East and Asia. Academically he holds UK bachelor’s and master’s degrees in physics and engineering respectively and is both a European Registered Professional Engineer and UK Chartered Engineer.

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Nuclear Energy Part 2 – Accidents and the Future of Fission

Summary:The second episode of a 4-part series on nuclear energy with my guest Paul Rix. In this episode we continued to discuss some of the challenges facing nuclear – namely the major accidents that have occurred, potential for misuse, and public perception. Then we moved into some of the ongoing and future advancements expected in Fission technology, including small modular reactors or SMRs. The intent of this series is to give listeners a sufficient understanding of the political, economic, technical, and scientific aspects around nuclear energy to form educated opinions on how it fits into green energy and the energy transition.

Summary:The second episode of a 4-part series on nuclear energy with my guest Paul Rix. In this episode we continued to discuss some of the challenges facing nuclear – namely the major accidents that have occurred, potential for misuse, and public perception. Then we moved into some of the ongoing and future advancements expected in Fission technology, including small modular reactors or SMRs. The intent of this series is to give listeners a sufficient understanding of the political, economic, technical, and scientific aspects around nuclear energy to form educated opinions on how it fits into green energy and the energy transition.

Guest Bio:

Paul is a retired specialist in the field of industrial process automation. During his 30+ years in this field he has worked in international management roles for national and international companies covering all aspects of the I&C business. Most recently he specialised in Global Account & Product Management and has held a variety of senior roles involving extensive global travel and long-term postings in the Middle East and Asia. Academically he holds UK bachelor’s and master’s degrees in physics and engineering respectively and is both a European Registered Professional Engineer and UK Chartered Engineer.

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核能第1部分 - 原子结构和历史

Summary:与我的客人保罗·里克斯(Paul Rix)有关核能的四部分系列中的第一个。在这一集中,我们涵盖了原子结构和稳定性,核电的历史,裂变技术的运作方式,我们始于其一些挑战。本系列的目的是使听众对核能周围的政治,经济,技术和科学方面有充分的了解,以形成有关其如何适应绿色能源和能源过渡的良好观点。

Guest Bio:

Paul is a retired specialist in the field of industrial process automation. During his 30+ years in this field he has worked in international management roles for national and international companies covering all aspects of the I&C business. Most recently he specialised in Global Account & Product Management and has held a variety of senior roles involving extensive global travel and long-term postings in the Middle East and Asia.从学术上讲,他分别拥有英国学士学位和硕士学位物理和工程学位,并且既是欧洲注册的专业工程师又是英国特许工程师。

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DCS or PLC, The Age-Old Question

Summary:Have you ever wondered if you should be using a Distributed Control System (DCS) or a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) for your application? Well, look no further because my guest for this episode, Nate Martin, will answer this question and more!


  • DCS和PLC之间的差异
  • Pros and cons of each
  • Applications to consider for each
  • 示例用例

Guest Bio:

Nate是Nexus Controls的主要产品经理。他负责使Nexus Controls OnCore™控制系统的功能与各种行业的客户当前和未来需求保持一致。作为教育和实践的化学工程师,内特·马丁(Nate Martin)围绕着制造设施,他的整个20年职业生涯既是产品开发工程师又是现场服务经理。在过去的15年中,他一直是与建筑,石油和天然气,工业和发电市场的客户紧密合作的产品和投资组合经理。他一直在倾听和向客户学习他们对未来改进的关注和要求。Nate拥有科罗拉多大学的化学工程学士学位和丹佛大学的MBA学位。

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工业网络安全Part 3: Tools for Implementing your Cybersecurity Plan

Summary:在本系列的第1部分中,我们讨论了面临工业自动化空间的新兴威胁和攻击向量。在第2部分中,我们涵盖了运营技术(或OT),以及如何从反应性方法转向网络安全到主动方法。在第3部分中,我们将介绍可用于应对挑战的特定工具,并与我的客人Mohammed Al Afoo实施网络安全计划。


  • 工业控制系统面临的主要网络挑战
  • Categories of tools – intrusive vs non-intrusive
  • Tools – non-repudiation, anomaly detection, Perimeter Protection, Allow-listing
  • And More!

Guest Bio:

穆罕默德(Mohammed)是涵盖中东,非洲,土耳其,巴基斯坦和印度Nexus Controls的工业网络安全的高级解决方案建筑师。他过去的角色包括OT网络安全和网络安全负责人解决方案建筑师的高级技术支持经理。穆罕默德(Mohammed)拥有设计和技术的学士学位以及MBA。他被认证为全球工业网络安全专业人员和六西格玛绿带。

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Questions or Topic Ideas?

The title of this podcast isInteractive Controlfor a reason. If you have a topic you’d like us to cover that we haven’t yet, please send me a message over LinkedIn or email me atMichelle.Rosinski@BakerHughes.comand we’ll do our best to cover it in a future episode.