
With the智能化学服务,您可以更轻松地确定降低现场风险并确保资产完整性的机会 - 在降低碳排放量的同时,确保人员和设备安全。

Reduce your carbon footprint with digital innovations

Automated chemical injection solutions such as ourIntelliSweet™自动化H2S管理解决方案utilize remote, real-time monitoring to precisely measure H2S and rapidly adjust dosage requirements, all without the requirement of human intervention. Additionally, our remotely operated, automatedsmart batch treatment system提供敏捷的治疗方法,并消除对Treater-Truck批处理治疗的需求。并与我们一起Sentrynet™远程坦克监控解决方案结合我们实时交付管理系统, you’ll be able to optimize your field support and delivery scheduling to remote wells, minimizing your personnel’s trips to the field and lowering transport miles on the road.


Intelligent Chemistry gives you several options to assess asset data quickly to stay ahead of operational risks. The现场数据捕获APP提供了测试数据的实时可见性,您可以用来做出简化现场支持活动并最大程度地减少现场人员曝光的决策。

我们的data visualization and real-time analytics system跟踪您的资产绩效,确定异常情况并预测长期资产完整性问题,以根据风险和机会为您的详细见解,以针对治疗计划。

在您的炼油厂的DeSalter单位中,我们的real-time desalting system为您提供预测性监视功能,您可以使用这些功能来预测不适的条件并迅速做出反应。

请与我们联系,以了解智能化学服务如何限制您的风险敞口 - 上下的下游。

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