


  • 确保安全,可检索的压力壁垒
  • 通过消除多次旅行来节省时间
  • 消除堵塞风险,同时最大程度地减少套管伤害

  • Temporary isolation applications
  • 临时放弃要求
  • 形成,酸化和测试



贝克·休斯(Baker Hughes)的可检索桥塞非常适合多新利app种类型的压力泵送和放弃的井放操作,在这些操作中,可检索的可检索压力屏障至关重要。这些多功能工具提供了灵活的,节省成本的部署选项,以消除多次旅行的需求。

Choose from wide-ranging temporary isolation options


  • Model G™桥插头is run alone for temporary isolation applications and provides accurate setting while lowering deployment costs. The plug’s bilateral slip design handles pressure reversals and allows equalization prior to release. This feature allows well pressure to balance, which eliminates risks associated with releasing a bridge plug in unbalanced well conditions. The Model G’s unique retrieving head allows cleanup of well debris above the bridge plug before equalizing and unsetting, which saves the costs of additional trips.
  • 我们的Model GT™可检索的桥插头满足离岸模板钻孔中的临时遗弃要求。它可以从上方和下方进行积极测试。可以通过管道或钻孔来维护井控制,同时从插头下方均衡压力。
  • Model GTV LOK-SET™ retrievable bridge plugis the first retrievable bridge plug that can be positively tested from above and below. Well control can be maintained through the tubing while equalizing pressure from below the plug. Opposed dovetail slips prevent movement in either direction and minimize casing damage, and releasable lock segments hold the tool in the set or unset position. Drilling and complete removal of hard fill is possible with a retrieving head before equalizing and retrieving, which eliminates additional cleanout trips. A booster sleeve helps maintain element packoff during pressure reversals, which provides greater reliability.
  • 我们的型号WG™可检索的桥插头在设置和检索现场井环境中,为有线运输提供了更高的速度和准确性。典型的应用包括地层破裂,酸化和测试。模型WG可检索的桥插头合并了从G型lok-stet可检索的桥插头。经过验证的三重包装元件系统承受多种压力逆转。它被检索到Model MWG检索头在钻孔上,螺纹管,盘绕管或有线。
  • 有线设置可检索的桥插头provides a safe and economical method to temporarily abandon well production when the speed and accuracy of wireline setting are desired while setting and retrieving under pressure. Wireline setting eliminates snubbing tubing or killing the well with heavy fluids. It can be used for zone isolation, formation fracturing, acidizing, and surface equipment repair.
  • 我们的C™可检索的桥插头用于酸化,地层断裂和临时压力遏制。它使用与上方或下方的差压力来实现和维持元素的包装。一旦插头运行到所需的深度并释放,它就会自动设置并与任何方向的压力差密封。


