

Our Systems Optimize Steam and Manage Your Energy and Power

Solutions for Pulp and Paper




分布式控制系统and Safety Systems


  • 消除冗余流程并自动化生产单元
  • Helps in controlling complicated, large, and geographically distributed manufacturing applications
  • 最小化生产成本和流程
  • Provides flexibility and extends plant equipment and assets useful life
  • 提供自动关闭,以防达到某些危险阈值
  • 允许灵活地控制某些系统
  • 将实时控制尽可能接近该过程,同时仍在中心位置进行监视

As a result, the following are the key benefits of our next-generation Distributed Control Systems and Safety Systems:

  • 更聪明的正常运行时间
  • Improved production efficiency and emissions reduction
  • Additional cost reductions (from operational optimization)
  • 最小化停机时间
  • 增强的安全性和网络安全
  • 经验不足的员工使用的能力

Steam Optimization

From turbines to boilers and all that is in between,Nexus对照覆盖所有蒸汽设备。我们平衡您需要保持有效运行的一切,使您能够产生可观的储蓄和可靠性。通过我们的Steam优化解决方案,您会看到具有强大的回报分析的可衡量结果。

Steam Turbine Startup and Loadup Optimization




Power Management

Nexus对照is standing by to analyze why a problem occurs when and if it does. We keep production as insulated as possible without power disruptions. Our solutions ensure you have the power in place to generate steam and improve emissions reduction.

Nexus对照, A Leader In Industrial Solutions for Pulp and Paper

Nexus Controls LLC(以前为GE Energy Controls Solutions)在整合系统,与机器接口以及我们的客户网站独有的信息岛方面具有深厚的专业知识,同时我们可以帮助他们保护其数据,控制和自动化机器资产,并深入辩护。网络安全解决方案。


A paper mill producing liner board for the shipping industry was struggling to achieve its daily production target due to inconsistent digester operation. An aging DCS system was increasingly unreliable, adversely impacting the digester cooking process. This resulted in a domino effect of runtime issues cascading from stock preparation through to the paper machines. A new, upgraded DCS system was installed, facilitating increased throughput via previously "maxed out" washer lines, resulting in fewer breakdowns. Project payback happened in less than three months at a300%的回报率and the modern DCS is continuing to generate medium and long term positive benefits.

Recovery Boiler

Another recent pulp and paper example required modernizing a DCS system, as the existing one was failing to effectively prevent downtime occurrences. The existing DCS for this plant ran the recovery boiler, evaporators, mill air and water systems, turbine generator interface, Deionized Water plant, boiler feedwater pumps, the common steam headers, and condensate systems. After 7 months of planning and design, a new replacement DCS was installed within 72 hours. As a result,停机时间已从常规问题降低到罕见发生,提高效率和整体植物生产率。





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