Bently Nevada training, Bently Nevada support, Bently Nevada services, orbit magazine, condition monitoring, preventative maintenance

整个企业的最重要升级 - 人们

5 min read
特雷西·利普(Tracy Lippe)


Every year we see exciting new technologies, hardware, and software that offer efficiency, automation, and security. You devote substantial time and attention to the decisions on what to upgrade, how much to spend, and when to implement.

You would never ignore your machinery, operate it ineffectively, neglect worn components or a sorely needed modernization. Machinery and equipment may cost more than a decade of salaries, but what good are they without the trained expertise to run, maintain, diagnose, and repair them? Your talent pool is no different: If you ignore their need for continuous updates and maintenance through targeted training you run a risk to your business. The unintentional oversight that could wreck your production line may very well be the people you employ.

因此,您可以进行的最重要的“升级”是您最重要的资产:你的人。Your employees need ongoing training that brings them up to date on the ever-changing state of状态监测。In addition to people needing continuous updates, an alarming percentage of current expertise in industries around the world is nearing retirement, so you need to act now to capitalize on your current talent and build for the future.


为什么选择Bently Nevada Training

  • Our team combines product installation, operation, maintenance, and engineering experience with technical expertise, and a commitment to knowledge transfer.
  • With more than 40 years of technical training experience, Bently Nevada has pioneered the art of long-term skill development.
  • 课程内容和讲习班不断修订,以反映最新的技术,经验和本地监管标准。

And with Bently Training, you have access to a varied, yet targeted selection of courses. Click这里to see our options for training. Give your team the tools they need to grow and keep pace with the latest in technological advancements.

The Perfect Balance of Classroom Focus and Virtual Flexibility

Our training is now significantly streamlined and enhanced to account for today’s unique educational challenges.

Globally, travel restrictions persist and change. The risk of delays due to forced quarantines and unexpected cancellations can wreak havoc with your schedule and dramatically increase travel expenses.

Bently Nevada now offers remote learning led by live instructors, available in all time zones for customers in any region of the globe.




Not convinced? We get it. Everyone is offering remote learning these days and much of it is painfully boring. In addition, inferior technology results in lost connections, wasting valuable time. So, if you still have hesitations about the effectiveness of our remote training, we will host a short, sample session for you to see for yourself before you invest.




We apply the same collaborative spirit when it comes to our training programs. We can work with you to develop and adapt the learning path to your trainee’s profile and your company strategy. In short, we can deliver the proper amount of training, at the appropriate time, for the targeted application within your organization.联系您的内华达州区域培训经理for more details.



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