Welcome back for the 3rd quarter update of Orbit 60, Bently Nevada’s latest condition monitoring, protection and data integration platform. In April, Bently Nevada announced our ability to start quoting Orbit 60 systems and we are now working with hundreds of customers globally to develop proposals for new projects, retrofits and to apply Orbit 60 to unique applications.


Trendmaster has had a long history of making it easy and cost-effective to cover more of your assets with online condition monitoring. This new inclusion into the suite of products supported by System 1 Evo will allow Trendmaster to continue doing so for decades to come. Thus enabling a full plant-wide view into your condition monitoring program.

在线状况监测系统由于未定决策(和关闭)而导致的维护成本和生产损失的降低,带来了巨大的回报。这Ranger Pro无线监控系统在项目中使用被证明是一个绝佳的选择。它很容易实现,并且不需要大型组件基础架构,并且具有出色的功能,包括用于系统1软件中故障诊断的动态数据。

Finally, the Bently Nevada services organization is a key enabler to the transformation that the business is undergoing through many of the products listed above. The new organization is designed to have a customer focused mindset understanding their operation challenges and needs to drive new technologies with the product management team and a fully regional operation team that will continue to ensure best in class execution with safety, quality and integrity.


轨道60系列Update: Now – Less Spares!! – How to Choose Input Modules
System 1 Decision Support
Trendmaster and its new Software
Production Gains in the Pulp Industry Using Wireless Sensors
People’s Corner: Services Interview with Pamela Litka & Nabil Mofti

轨道60系列Update: Now – Less Spares!! – How to Choose Input Modules

Welcome back for the 3rd quarter update of Orbit 60, Bently Nevada’s latest condition monitoring, protection and data integration platform. In April, Bently Nevada announced our ability to start quoting Orbit 60 sytems and we are now working with hundreds of customers globally to develop propsoals for new projects, retrofits and to apply Orbit 60 to unique applications. We are actively beta testing the platform with several customers internationally and continue to be on schedule for a April 30, 2021 avaialble to ship (ATS) commitment, written by Darren Evans and John Kingham.

System 1 Decision Support

流程密集型工业运营商越来越多地涉足数字化转型革命,面对全球化,转移的劳动力以及网络安全威胁的增强。Delivering safe, efficient, reliable, and environmentally friendly operations while maintaining a competitive advantage over peers is virtually unachievable without intelligent adoption of technology and cultural acceptance of changes to long standing processes, written by Jeff Sipek.

Trendmaster and its new Software

Trendmaster has had a long history of making it easy and cost-effective to cover more of your assets with online condition monitoring. This new inclusion into the suite of products supported by System 1 Evo will allow Trendmaster to continue doing so for decades to come. Thus enabling a full plant-wide view into your condition monitoring program, written by Nigel Leigh.

Production Gains in the Pulp Industry Using Wireless Sensors

在线状况监测系统由于未定决策(和关闭)而导致的维护成本和生产损失的降低,带来了巨大的回报。该项目中使用的Ranger Pro无线监控系统被证明是一个绝佳的选择。它很容易实施,并且不需要大型的组装基础架构,并且具有出色的功能,包括用于系统1软件中故障诊断的动态数据,由Rone de Oliveira Silva撰写 - 维护专家,资产监控中心 - 可靠性来自Eldorado Brasil Celulose&JoãoSiqueira,应用和解决方案建筑师贝西 - 巴西

People’s Corner: Services Interview with Pamela Litka & Nabil Mofti

内华达州的宾州服务组织是企业正在进行的转型的关键推动者。新组织旨在让以客户为中心的思维方式了解他们的运营挑战,并需要使用产品管理团队和一个全面的区域运营团队来推动新技术,该团队将继续以安全性,质量和正直来确保班级执行最佳。由帕梅拉·莱特卡(Pamela Litka)撰写的Nabil Mofti服务执行经理Nabil Mofti服务执行经理的最新观点。

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