Welcome to the Q1 2022 edition of the Orbit Newsletter Digital Publication. In this edition we will focus on Orbit 60 enabled enhancements discussing how the Orbit 60’s unique capabilities allow you more flexibility and ease of use for System 1; Rider bands being an important consumable component on horizontal reciprocating compressors; an Introduction to the Asset Strategy Management (ASM) Pillar with today’s reliability managers understanding the key elements of a sound reliability program; a case study describing how the remote diagnostic team resolved a vibration related issue on the NAP2 PAC Primary Air Compressor; along with vibration excursion in turbomachinery with another customer discussing how to diagnose rubs that typically occur in turbomachinery based on vibration data; and finally the industry-leading condition monitoring and diagnostics software, System 1, brings all assets and data types across a facility together in a single user interface with our People’s Corner interview.

集成的APM: An Introduction to the Asset Strategy Management (ASM) Pillar
Vibration issue on Compressor in a Nitric Acid Plant
人们的角落: Industry Interview with Michael Sparks


欢迎使用我们的第9篇文章,重点介绍Orbit 60和Orbit 60启用增强功能。Today, we will be discussing how the Orbit 60’s unique capabilities allow you more flexibility and ease of use for System 1. Most of our customers have by now realized the benefits of not only protecting their machinery but managing them as well through System 1. Orbit 60’s uniquely cyber secure System 1 interface is only the beginning, and this article will show you how the bi-directional communications of our communication gateway and our listen-only Condition Monitoring Modules, along with our enhanced sensor capabilities will help you accomplish your management mission, written by John Kingham.


骑手带(也称为磨损带)是基于哪个操作员计划维护中断的水平往复式压缩机的重要易消耗组件。尽管骑手带和活塞环都接触了气缸衬里。但是,骑手带设计为携带活塞的全部重量,而活塞环旨在提供由Fayyaz Qureshi撰写的活塞和孔之间的密封。

集成的APM: An Introduction to the Asset Strategy Management (ASM) Pillar

Today’s reliability managers understand the key elements of a sound reliability program—avoiding unexpected failures, outages, safety exposures and costs. They invest time and money into creating asset maintenance strategies but often fail to implement and execute the strategies effectively. There is no process for reliability strategy review and updates, or, even if there is, what’s usually missing is any kind of trigger to start the review process, written by Jason Apps.

Vibration issue on Compressor in a Nitric Acid Plant

此案描述了远程诊断团队如何在NAP2 PAC主要空气压缩机上解决振动相关问题。此案强调了与诊断平台连接(S1 EVO)的适当仪器的压缩机火车如何为内华达州的内华达州诊断工程师提供关键信息(数据),从而使对振动相关的问题进行了彻底的调查,并确定了根本原因,根本原因,由Gary Wright&Sergey Drygin博士撰写。


Vibration excursion in turbomachinery is troublesome, especially when approaching or exceeding a trip level. Understanding of its root-cause is extremely crucial for taking appropriate actions and resolving the issue. Rubs are certainly among the most common malfunctions that cause vibration excursion. This paper discusses how to diagnose rubs that typically occur in turbomachinery based on vibration data, written byJohn J. Yu, Ph.D.

人们的角落: Industry Interview with Michael Sparks

From machinery protection and condition monitoring to specialized sensor applications, we provide our Oil & Gas customers with innovative technologies. Our upstream, midstream, and downstream solutions are developed to constantly improve productivity and efficiency while meeting the most comprehensive industry specifications. The industry-leading condition monitoring and diagnostics software, System 1, brings all assets and data types across a facility together in a single user interface. Today, I want to introduce you to one of our Industry leaders and his perspective on our outlook as we kick off 2022, written by Pamela Litka.

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