

高级应用工程师 - 可再生能源

Discover System 1 Evo’s enhanced capabilities for complex machine gearbox data collection, vibration analysis, and visualization including a case study on its successful use.



高级工厂操作员了解,其在边缘关键机械控制和保护系统收集的全面数据集可以进一步用于主动监控机器状况和传感器健康。此类数据对于机器故障后的任何反应性根本原因调查也至关重要。没有公司做的超过内华达州弯曲to promote and advance the understanding of机械保护和状况监测based on data-driven analysis. Machinery knowledge collected over Bently Nevada’s 60+ years of research and experience informs the asset type use cases embedded in the development of our flagship condition monitoring software platform, System 1.

在本文中,我们关注系统1 Evolution的增强功能,以收集,分析和可视化复杂机器变速箱的数据,包括有关其成功使用的案例研究。


The role of a gearbox in the overall machine train is to change shaft speed and torque while transmitting power from the driving to the driven machine. Consequently, gearbox requirements are largely dictated by the characteristics of the coupled machines. A parallel gearbox like the one pictured above is appropriate when the ratio of input to output speed is moderate and space is not limited. This gearbox consists of a single stage – a stage being a set of gears that accomplish one increment of rotational speed change.

In applications where a large speed ratio is necessary and/or when the input or output torque is high, a complex gearbox is used. This gearbox could consist of multiple parallel stages, as often found in extruders in a polyethylene process and machines used for reduction and forming in metal and mining processes. When space is at a premium, epicyclic (aka planetary) gearboxes are often employed, wherein multiple intermeshing gears are nested concentrically. There are several sub-categories of planetary gearbox design, but they all have a smaller volume than parallel gearbox designs for the same power transmitted, and coaxial input and output shafts (ref. 1). Planetary stages can be combined with parallel stages in the same gearbox. Complex gearboxes are a main component in thousands ofwind turbines全球运营。下图显示了由行星和两个平行阶段组成的三阶段风力涡轮机变速箱。



Gearbox failures result from bearing, rotordynamic, and gear mesh problems, and a problem in one area can develop into a problem in another. Problems with gear mesh can be elusive for several reasons. Multistage complex gearboxes have internal intermediate gears and shafts rotating at various speeds, and can have more than two meshing gears per stage. In planetary gearboxes, some of the gears (and therefore the mesh locations) are constantly moving with respect to a case-mounted sensor. Furthermore, the gearbox may be undergoing speed and/or load changes that will vary the amplitude of vibration by which gear condition and alarm levels are determined.


在变速箱中检测滚动元件轴承(REB)或流体膜轴承(FFB)问题与其他类型的机器没有什么不同,该机器通过reb或轴径向和轴向位移波形和/或位置来实现。FFB的更改。这些工具是系统1的基础,在任何条件监控系统中都存在一个或另一个程度。另一方面,齿轮需要特殊的采样,过滤和机载分析来逗弄关键的健康指标。一些专门的保护/监视边缘设备内置了这些功能,但是在大多数通用机械保护系统中都缺乏这种复杂水平。为了有效,世界一流的状态监测系统必须具有宽度和灵活性,以使用各种边缘设备来检测轴承,动力和齿轮问题,以促进早期检测和根本原因识别。System 1已演变为包括连接性,分析和可视化功能,以处理无数的变速箱设计,操作条件和用户需求。


在许多工业设施中,单个条件监测系统被要求处理许多类型和关键水平的机器。有些机器需要保护系统,而另一些机器仅需数据采集, and the level of criticality dictates different amounts and intervals of data. System 1 can interoperate with a variety of Edge devices that provide not only dynamic vibration signals, but proportional values corresponding to process conditions and discrete inputs corresponding to operating states.



Configuration Tools



The most salient vibration characteristic of gears is typically their mesh frequency (periodicity of tooth contact as they pass through mesh) and the first two or three integer multiples (harmonics) of that fundamental gear mesh frequency (GMF). Based on the configuration discussed earlier, System 1 allows the user to configure a bandpass measurement around one or more of the gear mesh frequencies. One peculiarity of some planetary gearboxes is that the highest amplitude spectral component does not appear at the GMF location(s), but instead one or two multiples of gear rotation speed to either side (ref. 2). Details like this must be considered when incorporating analytics into a condition monitoring system.




为了有效地将边带作为分析性,内华达州开发了一种专利的算法,称为边带能量比(SER)(参考文献3),在系统1版本17.2中添加。Ser算法可以在同步(首选)或高分辨率异步波形上执行。SER可以在下面的选择列表中以及光谱带和轴承断层带中看到。选择这些中的任何一个都会根据先前输入的变速箱属性自动配置新变量,并将其添加到选定的点。添加时,将对与测量点相关的每个阶段的1倍,2x和3x GMF的传入数据进行SER分析。还为用户提供了将SER分析应用于该点的历史数据的选项。


一旦定义了测量和分析,设置适当的软件警报阈值的能力对于系统的有效性至关重要。System 1的统计警报功能和警报快速配置功能使用户可以使用历史数据和统计计算参数自定义单个或积分组的警报。





Configurable Machine Train Diagrams

To quickly comprehend the status of a machine, users typically begin with the Status Overview, which provides an intuitive understanding of levels and alarms. System 1 allows users to create multiple Diagram Views – up to 50 per machine train – each with its own unique page tab. The interface is totally customizable, including the ability to add or delete measurements from the diagram, rearrange measurement locations, modify the text/background colors, add navigation buttons as links to other tabs and sub-tabs, and even replace the standard machine shapes with the user’s own image and color-coded alarm status icons.


如前所述,变速箱中的问题至少可以从三个不同的区域开始,因此可视化工具必须为用户提供功能,以便快速将多个变量的趋势相关联并轻松地绕过不同的绘图类型。调查问题通常是从事件列表中单击警报开始的,该列表立即打开一组相关图。从那里开始,System 1提供了多功能的绘图工具,可以快速添加从齿轮,轴承和轴位置测量到绘图的变量,以便于趋势比较和相关性。光标和缩放的绘图同步功能使得易于查明有意义的更改和偏差。

State-based filtering

For gearboxes under varying loads and/or speeds, it is important to visualize data separately for each configured operating state. State-based data filtering within the Plots workspace is available for System 1 installations with PostgreSQL as the historian, and is applicable to all plots except polar, bode, and shaft centerline. This capability can be applied both globally within a plot set and on an individual plot.

Plot Overlays


  • 故障频率标记可以叠加在频谱,时态和堆叠的时间库图上
  • 多个保存的比较数据集可以在图工作区中叠加。


  • Logarithmic scales for Spectrum, Stacked Spectrum, and XvsY plots
  • DC轨道叠加轴中心线图。


连接 +分析 +可视化=完整的解决方案!

By combining its connectivity, analytics, and visualization capabilities, System 1 can detect bearing, rotordynamic, gear mesh, and other common problems in complex gearboxes, making it uniquely suited for any and all machinery assets with a gearbox.




Extruder Gearbox

该挤出机变速箱是在下游行业运行的最大,最复杂的单套管变速箱之一。它是由巨大的14兆瓦主电动机和部署用于启动的额外的高扭矩可变速度驱动器(VSD)电动机驱动的。该机器在每个输出轴上提供320,000 nm(237,000 ft-lb)的扭矩,并包含60多个轴承,还有5个带27齿轮的齿轮耦合。



The Bently Nevada team proposed a solution, which included the industry-leading online monitoring system, ADAPT 3701/40 with S1 Evo, along with 40 vibration sensors that were installed across the entire extruder train. The Bently Nevada online monitoring system includes advanced signal processing as well as trends of the bearing fault frequencies. During subsequent operation, these capabilities helped to quickly and accurately identify the root cause of the previous failure. The System 1 pre-configured software alarm set points detected the high axial vibration problem early, preventing more severe damage.


The value realized from the system has prompted the company to pursue further improvements, including additional sensor locations to the main gearbox and main input and output shafts for axial thrust, incorporating the pelletizer gearbox into the monitoring system, integrating System 1 data with the DCS (Distributed Control System), and integrating OPC data for torque, lube oil temperature and pressure, motor current, and load.


System 1’s complex gearbox diagnostic and fault detection capabilities are the culmination of Bently Nevada’s years of machinery experience. The SER algorithm developed specifically for gearbox applications is an example of our constant condition monitoring improvements based on user feedback. System 1 Evolution’s comprehensive package of best-in-class connectivity, analytics and visualization capabilities create the most powerful, efficient, and effective condition monitoring software solution for any rotating or reciprocating asset in your facility.

内华达州贝利(Bellys Nevada)致力于在系统1中构建更多最先进的功能。从第18.2版开始,内华达州巩固了Adapt的风力涡轮机监视功能。Wind.wind.wind.west.wongeworts System 1 Evolution,将连通性添加到3701/60,3701/60,3701/60A和60m100风能监控产品,并为风力涡轮机操作员扩大条件监控平台功能。内华达州贝利(Berlys Nevada)通过开发用于齿轮网格故障检测的新算法,继续改善变速箱分析功能。正在考虑的未来可视化功能包括包装波形图,可用于视觉识别齿轮故障的位置。当今年晚些时候重新引入决策支持时,用户将能够创建自己的自定义规则来满足其资产和流程的个人需求。加入我们的旅程!

  1. epicyclic齿轮(2020)Wikipedia。可用网址:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epicyclic_gearing(访问:2020年5月13日)。
  2. McFadden,P.D。和Smith,J.D。(1985)。关于环境齿轮振动中牙齿网格的不对称性的解释,Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Volume 199 No. C1.Pages 65-70.
  3. Hanna,J.,Hatch,C.,Kalb,M.,Weiss,A.,Luo,H。(2012年)。使用边带能量比检测风力涡轮机齿轮缺陷,Orbit Magazine,第23卷。内华达州明登:内华达有限责任公司
  4. 改编自适应3701保护巨大的复杂挤出机变速箱贝克·休斯公司(Baker Hughes Company)首席销售经理Al新利appi al-Hawaj先前在2018年12月发表。

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