我们的战略仍然专注于通过推进贝克休斯(Baker Hughes)的可持续发展努力来解决能源双重挑战。新利app我为我们的团队在2021年与我们的三个重点领域(人物,星球和原则)交付。

自从贝克·休斯(Baker Hughes)在2019年做出零净承诺以来,世界已经发新利app生了巨大变化。当时,我们的路线图还没有包括针对大流行,极端地缘政治波动性的具体计划,并加快了全球对解决气候变化的关注。尽管面临这些挑战,但我们仍在继续前进,并在我们的可持续发展目标上取得了长足的进步。

2021年是我们的公司责任努力的加速和行动一年,以促进我们的可持续性目标,同时为客户执行并为股东提供服务。世界仍然面临着满足能源需求增加的双重挑战,同时减少相关的温室气体排放。我们的战略仍然专注于通过推进贝克休斯(Baker Hughes)的可持续性努力来解决这一双重挑战。新利app我为我们的团队在2021年与我们的三个重点领域(人物,星球和原则)相抵触而感到自豪,而我们的公司责任报告反映了我们对能源和工业部门进步和领导力的承诺。



To lead in the energy transition, we believe we must retain and develop a globally skilled and diverse workforce. The challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic caused us to rethink how we attract and retain talent, and in 2021, we focused on strengthening our diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs. Led by our Global DEI Council, we improved our talent acquisition processes, enhanced our employee resource groups, and increased our outreach to diverse organizations. A standout example of these efforts is in the United States (US) where we launched a new educational partnership with four Historically Black Colleges and Universities. We believe our focus on DEI is critical for a responsible energy transition that helps us to operate in ways that foster equality while addressing energy poverty, reliability, and access.



We made great progress on improving our environmental performance in 2021. We have been steadily mobilizing our workforce to reduce our Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) toward our interim goal of 50% reduction by 2030 and our goal of net zero by 2050. To date, we have achieved a 23% reduction in our Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions versus our 2019 base year and we have expanded base year and annual value chain (Scope 3) emissions reporting. Externally, we engaged with our customers and suppliers in new and innovative ways, reviewed our stakeholder engagement opportunities, and strengthened industry relationships throughout the year. We are now a signatory of the Methane Guiding Principles that commits us to reduce methane emissions, a key focus from COP26.

Women standing with white hard hat


安全,健康,正直,合规性和人权是我们文化的基本要素。我们继续以我们的价值观和强大的治理为指导。我为贝克·休斯(Bak新利apper Hughes)的员工感到骄傲,整个工作场所都有正直的行动,努力保持道德供应链,并促进全球基本人权的尊重。我们对职业安全,健康和应急管理的纪律严明的方法帮助我们在COVID-19-19的大流行中遇到了又一年的挑战,包括实施强大的疫苗接种和灵活的工作计划。

In 2021, we accelerated our energy transition strategy, executed for our customers, and continued to build on our sustainability performance. I want to thank our customers, employees, and investors for their support. Our results and activities underway position us for continued growth in 2022 and beyond, as we help to build a more prosperous and sustainable world. I look forward to another year of taking energy forward.

Lorenzo Simonelli
