




克劳迪娅·佩纳拉埃塔(Claudia Penarrieta)向能源行业最有力的信息是“思考”。在贝克休斯(Baker Hughes)业务中,内华达州贝利(Nevada)的机械诊断服务中的状况监测的几乎环球技术领导者指的是拥抱数字化,加速获得运营见解的机会,并在远程运营的新时代改善了决策。新利app

她为自己的建议建模。一方面,她将自己对内华达州软件系统的知识传播,这些软件系统将数据从策略性部署的接近探针转变为可行的信息 - 到服务工程师团队,以帮助他们提高机械在客户钻探和处理站点上的可靠性。她在澳大利亚布里斯班的家中,白天和黑夜都在致电,以支持贝克·休斯(Baker Hughes)在亚太地区,中国和南美地区的努力。新利app她说:“我喜欢故障排除和解决问题。”



在the same time, she’s also getting ahead of the software game, working with a global team to develop an extension of the System 1 condition monitoring platform that will use machine learning to aggregate performance information, and detect patterns of failure or malfunction across vast systems of equipment, enabling the next level in operational understanding and reliability.

克劳迪娅谈到新软件的重要性时说:“我认为,作为人类,我们经常看一个问题,我们继续进行解决,然后继续前进。”“我们不会退后一步,问为什么某事尚未起作用,或者这是我们第一次看到这个问题或与网站上的其他设备故障建立连接。”These are relationships that machine learning, given the right information, can readily identify, and Claudia is helping formulate the basic logic, the rules that set the conditions for investigation by the system and for notifying operators that there’s a recurring fault, or a commonality between breakdowns.


她的三个KPI(主要性能指标)流需要相当严格的时间管理,因为她还在协调家庭生活。她与20岁的儿子克里斯托弗(Christopher)在家中分享了一个工作室,后者正在大学学习兽医科学。它在典型的昆士兰州郊区景观上俯瞰,并带有美丽的古老的“昆士兰”木制房屋;她与同事的虚拟会议通常是针对附近附近的一群巨羊羊群的背景噪音进行的。克劳迪娅(Claudia)的小儿子奎因(Quinn)的才华更加倾向于艺术,而在他最近的11岁生日上星球大战characters for the guest goodie bags, channeling the popular Japanese pursuit known asAmigurumi- 来自流行文化的编织或编织小毛绒人物。她说:“我仍然是业余爱好者,但孩子们喜欢它。”尽管她的两个儿子都不对工程学感兴趣,但她说:“他们知道我处理旋转设备,并且我可以帮助有高度技术问题的人 - 他们打电话时他们会把我调出来。”

Claudia and her family at home in Brisbane, Australia.

在Covid-19锁定期间,最有力地将远程监控和远程访问的专家协助的价值引起了人们的关注,现在仍在进行现场操作中断。克劳迪娅说,但是一些运营商处于大流行曲线的领先地位。她在雪佛龙(Chevron)为两名区域预测维护的领导者 - 澳大利亚的斯科特·麦凯(Scott McKay)和泰国的塔纳辛·普拉辛图(Thanasin Prasertsintu),作为人们在高级监控和远程操作方面确定想要到达的人的例子,并开始实施可以采用他们的工具那里。

She says they identified System 1 as a platform that aggregates, visualizes and analyses the data generated by wireless proximity probes, to digitally transform reliability programs through accurate remote decision making.



新利app贝克·休斯(Baker Hughes)的2021年虚拟年会,克劳迪娅(Claudia)和塔纳辛(Thanasin)参加了名为通过远程服务推动植物广泛的性能和增强结果。塔纳辛概述了近年来,泰国泰国如何亲自对其离岸旋转设备获取振动数据,每月计划的维护读数有时会因计划外的维护需求而增加一倍。数据收集器将斩波器收集数据,并将其编译成被发送给曼谷的报告,以决定是否继续运行机械并维护生产;或停止生产以维修或维护关键机械。决议经常花费几天的时间。

克劳迪娅·佩纳拉埃塔(Claudia Penarrieta)表示,对于集中式诊断专家而言,不立即访问可以支持其决策的数据,这在能源行业很普遍,但是数字远程监控可以加速并显着改善结果。

Chevron Thailand invested in System 1 condition monitoring system, such that engineers in Bangkok get a direct feed of frequency and amplitude from offshore equipment, which is visualized in the software. “We recently received an alert on the platform that the engine was experiencing high vibration,” says Thanasin. “Using System 1 we could determine right away that the vibration was not due to the process chain, but that the vibration was coming from the rotor.” Being able to quickly decide to replace the compressor rotor saved visiting the platform to gather more data, potentially investigating the wrong equipment, and perhaps unnecessarily restarting the compressor. Thanasin estimates that on this occasion alone instant digitally enabled remote analysis saved two days of production. He adds that as part of the project, an initial 100 wireless Bently Nevada proximity probes that transmit data via the Ranger Pro online have also been installed on reciprocating compressors and piping, to help prevent shutdowns or premature failures.


Claudia has made it her mission to drive a greater understanding of the applications of System 1, both within Baker Hughes and among the company’s customers. She says its capabilities in remote monitoring of both rotating and stationary equipment is underutilized. “You can monitor anything you want to; you can put alarms on anything you choose; you can make your view screen as versatile as you want, and you can create rules that make your life easier.”

在Chevron, Thanasin Prasertsintu looks forward to tying the data from critical and less critical machinery into the System 1 platform, and, he says, “As early adopters of the wireless technology, we now have the opportunity to leverage this solution across our business unit. We have a chance to learn and apply this to other sites.” He gives credit to his management team, for their leadership and support in the region.


Thanasin Prasertsintu,泰国雪佛龙的预测维护领导者



这是前旋转的物理环球旅行 - 前往网站和客户设施,这激发了她对Amigurumi的热情:“我每天休息期间我厌倦了在酒店房间里看电视的热情。”Post-COVID, she’s still hooked on crochet, but remote working has unexpectedly expanded her work horizons, to encompass not only the leadership and sophisticated “help desk” service she provides her colleagues, but to focus on creating technologies that will transform the near future.
