
有效的沙子控制对于帮助您从未固结的地层中最大化生产至关重要,同时增强了井眼的稳定性。贝克·休斯(Baker Hughes)的新利app屏幕系统提供了各种筛选解决方案,以支持您的沙子控制需求。

Working with us, you get complete screen technology from concept to production, with state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities in Dubai and Houston to support sand control operations around the globe.

Choose from a wide variety of screening technologies—wire-mesh screens, slip-on wire jackets, wrap-on-pipe screens, and screen inflow control technology—to achieve reliable downhole performance and production longevity in long horizontal, openhole, standalone, and gravel-pack installations.

  • Prevent plugging and erosion.通过在任何井下环境中设计用于阻力的电线网屏保护您的井眼和井下井建筑
  • 最大化储层电导率。无论您的工资区域都需要破裂,刺激,人造升降还是砾石包装,我们的屏幕可提供无与伦比的机械强度和从水库到井口的无砂生产
  • 根据您的特定需求获得有针对性的沙子控制。Work with our design experts to select the right screen or make upgrades to existing technology to get the optimal solution for any sand or inflow control project
  • 增强长期生产。在薪水区安装我们的筛查系统,以确保提供完成液,支撑剂和其他刺激技术,同时确保最大的沙子排除在延迟气体或水孔的情况下延迟

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